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Process Installation

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Live performance frame 

Exhibition  frame 

"The installation itself is a framed abstract landfill that symbolizes all textile waste that is made in the pre- consumer stage. Where normally the landfill stands for a symbol of waste within the post-consumerism. The landfill is now a statement for the pre-consumer textile waste. It questions our normalization of designing within the fashion industry. The installation is meant to claim the space, to draw attention. Let you think about; am I part of the landfill from an outside perspective or  does the perspective changes when I’m standing in the landfill?    


The goal is to let the experiencer notice that this mountain is not necessary, if we make our clothes with zero waste patterns. The experience you get from the inside is the realization that with all the waste you are looking at now, it might as well have been no waste but just clothes to wear."

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